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about flùrag

Hello and welcome to Flùrag! Flùrag is a floral design studio currently based in Glasgow, Scotland. We are a very small business, run by me, Kirsty! I love to create colourful, modern and fun designs and work with both fresh and dried flowers. At the moment we are focusing largely on dried flowers for the website as well as markets and local delivery, but we are very excited to now be taking wedding bookings for later in the year as well!


Flùrag, pronounced fl-ooh-rak, is the Scottish Gaelic word for small flower. Gaelic is very much a part of my everyday life and it was important to me to incorporate the language into Flùrag. Having also come from a background of Gaelic teaching, I love nothing more than hosting workshops in both Gaelic and English!

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Opening Hours

Any pop up shops or open days will be advertised on our Instagram and Facebook page so keep an eye on there for the most up to date information!

Market Stall.jpg

Flùrag Floral Design

Thank you - mòran taing!

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